From the President
A Tip of the Hat
One of the great thrills of my job is hearing
stories of how our graduates have taken their experiences at the University of Minnesota to create worlds
(and sometimes careers) unforeseen.
Trailblazers like Shannon Gregory (M.B.A. ’18),
who oversees flight operations at NASA Kennedy
Center; Crystal Osman, who works with the University of Minnesota Foundation and also founded the
gluten-free pie company Better Berry Pie Company
during the pandemic, or Lee Wallace (M.P.P. ’05),
the owner and CEO of Peace Coffee. All have found
opportunities when addressing challenges before
them, and ways to serve others while they lead.
Their leadership inspires me and makes me
proud of the community and individuals this
University has helped build. I know there are
countless others like them across our alumni family,
examples of excellence and impact, widening our
circle of opportunity and strengthening our bonds
around the world. It’s exciting to read about so
many of these bellwethers doing meaningful work
throughout this edition.
I also want to take this opportunity to recognize
Lisa Lewis, who recently celebrated her 10-year
anniversary as the Alumni Association president
and CEO. She has been a great partner to the
University over the past decade, as well as to me.
A grateful University stands in appreciation for her
service and contributions. In this spirit, I want to
also acknowledge the hard work of the UMAA team
Lisa leads, the commitment of the UMAA board of
directors, and the incredible engagement of all of
our alumni volunteers.
These shared efforts give the University of
Minnesota one of the most innovative and creative
alumni organizations in the country, serving not just
the few, but all alumni around the world.
We look forward to future decades of success at the UMAA and I look forward to walking with all of you in this journey.