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Memories of Coach Warmath
I greatly appreciated your article “That
Championship Season” (Winter 2021),
which is, in part, about racial integration
of Big Ten football.
I met Judge Dickson in September 1958
when I, a small white guy, enrolled in the
U of M and moved into Territorial Hall. My
roommate and I set up a tiny radio station,
and the signal traveled throughout the
building on heating pipes.
For Christmas that year, my grandmother gave me a beautiful bedspread
she had made of multicolored pieces of
fluorescent cloth. It was on my bed one
day when Judge and a few other guys,
some Black, some white, came to my
room. Judge had brought shoe-shining
equipment and promptly sat on my bed
to clean and polish his shoes. (I feared
greatly for my bedspread but decided
against saying anything. Very soon, his
shoes were shiny, and my bedspread
remained pristine.)
Months later, when I was student
body vice president, I helped organize
two trips to the Rose Bowl to watch the
Golden Gophers. One year we charted
13 buses and the other year an entire
train. During the bus trip, I called in every
day to a Minneapolis radio station to
report on our progress.
About the same time, many students
from the U of M traveled south on
“Freedom Rides” to put their bodies on
the line for racial justice and opportunity.
Kenneth D. Weiss (B.S.B. ’62)
Derwood, Maryland
I really enjoyed reading the article about
my father-in-law, Murray Warmath. It
was well researched and accurate, and it
was a bright spot for us in an otherwise
ugly year.
I graduated from Minnesota in 1965 on
a NROTC Scholarship. Carol Warmath
and I were married in 1967 until her death
in 2010. We have three children but no
football players! My daughter also went
to pharmacy school at the U of M, and
Murray has five grandchildren who all
called him PaPa.
A couple of interesting stories I was
reminded of in reading this article.
I was in the SAE fraternity across
from the Athletic Department. Our
sleeping dorm faced University Avenue
and the Cook Hall parking lot. When
I went to bed between 10 and 11 p.m.
each night, Murray’s car was still there.
When I woke up at about 7 a.m., he had
gone home to Edina, slept a few hours,
and was back. I do not see how he kept
that pace up. I dated his daughter for
a year before I ever met him, and I was
warned not to meet him if he had lost
that Saturday!
And the best athlete Murray said he
ever coached was Bobby Bell, who lives
here in Kansas City. Bobby and many
others always attended Warmath family
events as they were family.
I had your cover copied and framed
them for my children as keepsakes.
Richard Dillow (B.A. ’65), CAPT USN, retired. Kansas City, Missouri
The Winter 2021 issue of the alumni
magazine was very special for me.
I had always been a fan of Big Ten
football and it was one of my greatest
thrills to see my first game in the fall
of 1955. From then through 1983, I was
a season ticketholder, along with my
wife, Diane, who also graduated from
the University with a bachelor’s degree
in physics.
We were always happy to go to the
games, win or lose. We always rooted for
the Gophers and we never thought of
the color of anybody’s skin. They weren’t
Black or white; they were all Golden and
they were all “GOPHERS”!
Jerry McAllister (B.S. ’57) Green Valley, Arizona
Correction and Ed. Note:
We heard
from a number of people that the photo
we ran of the 1960 Gopher’s team in
our Winter 2021 issue didn’t depict
the starting lineup, due to incorrect
information logged on the photo in the
U of M archives. One who brought this
to our attention was the tackle of that
spectacular team. See below.
Hi. I enjoyed the article, but you pictured
the wrong team. The 1960 team had
Sandy Stephens at QB, Dave Mulholland
and Bill Munsey were the halfbacks, and
Roger Hagberg was the fullback.
The line had Bob Deegan and Dick
Larson at the ends, Frank Brixius (me)
and Bobby Bell were the tackles, Tom
Brown, winner of the Outland trophy,
and Jack Mulvena were the guards, and
Captain Greg Larson was the center.
So ends your ancient history lesson for
the day.
Frank Brixius (B.S. ’61) Naples, Florida