From the President
MPact 2025 and a Greener University
Sustainability is not just a word but
a core priority for the University of
Minnesota. Through MPact 2025,
the University’s first systemwide
strategic plan, we are amplifying
this important work at
the intersection of our
shared values and action,
or what we define as
System Commitments.
In 2004, the University
of Minnesota’s Board of
Regents adopted a “Sustainability and Energy
Efficiency” policy. Since
then, we have joined
many national and international
sustainability and climate change
efforts, while also establishing
institutional goals, including to
reduce the University’s greenhouse gas emissions. From 2008
through 2019, we experienced a 39
percent greenhouse gas emission
reduction on the Twin Cities
campus and 36 percent across
the system. In addition, the U of
M-Morris is now carbon neutral
for all of its electricity use. Over
60 million kilowatt hours of the
University’s electricity use comes
from renewable sources, which is
enough to power 5,500 homes.
In this important work, we are
committed to advancing contributions that are uniquely Minnesotan. Central to this distinction is
our MNtersections Commitment,
which is inspired by Minnesota
to improve people and places at
world-class levels. It is here where
the questions that our state poses
and our strengths as a University
intersect, and where the opportunity for robust collaboration across
state and local government, higher
education, philanthropy, and the
private sector allow us to unlock
our state’s innovation potential. It is
also where, in addition to our focus
on health and food and agriculture,
we amplify our efforts to build a
fully sustainable future.
We have established goals,
action items, and measures
aligned to demonstrating our
state and worldwide leadership in
sustainability and environmental
teaching, research, and convening power. And we are holding
ourselves accountable with two
distinct measures: First, we are
committed to establishing and
increasing our Times Higher Ed
Sustainable Development Goal
rankings, including, but not limited
to, climate action, clean water, and
land ecosystems.
Second, we aspire for all five
system campuses to achieve a
gold rating from the Association
for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
(AASHE) by 2025. AASHE’s
Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS)
program recognizes sustainability
accomplishments in areas such as
academics, research, operations,
and engagement. To date, only
the University’s Duluth and Morris
campuses have earned this distinction (the Twin Cities campus’ gold
rating is currently expired).
We have also established goals,
action items, and measures for
developing system leadership
and governance coordination for
sustainability initiatives, including
to launch annual systemwide and
campus sustainability meetings
by June 2021. By 2023, we intend
to establish a next generation
systemwide Climate Action Plan
for 2030, as well as plans for each
of our campuses.
Our collective action and implementation aim to advance positive,
meaningful progress. We want to
build on more than a dozen U of
M startups related to energy and
environment that are bringing
technologies and approaches to
build a fully sustainable future.
And we want to multiply that
impact through BioMADE, the
major new manufacturing institute
on our St. Paul campus, which is
supported by the U.S. Department
of Defense. It squarely positions
the University as a leader in
developing a sustainable, circular,
bio-based economy.
The U of M helps our neighbors
through the Climate Smart Municipalities partnership between
Minnesota cities and the German
government. There’s also Extension’s Clean Energy Resource
Teams, Regional Sustainable
Development Partnership, and
the Resilient Communities Project.
My sincere appreciation to
you for sharing your proud
alumni voice over recent weeks
and months as we’ve developed
our sustainability goals and our
broader MPact 2025 plan.
The University’s path to creating a fully sustainable and impactful future is better and more inspiring because of each of you.