Making Technology Accessible to All
When Christina Granquist lost her sight, the U of M helped her develop skills to become an accessibility leader.
There have been a few moments in her life when Christina
Granquist (B.S. ’13) believes she was in the right place at the
right time.
Born blind due to a rare eye disease called Peters anomaly,
Granquist underwent a corneal transplant when she was just
an infant. The surgery helped her to see normally for years;
then, when she was an undergraduate psychology major at
the University, her eyesight began to falter.
Here’s where the first “right-place-right-time” moment
happened: Granquist was taking a child psychology class
when her professor told her about the Minnesota Laboratory for Low Vision Research, headed
by Distinguished McKnight University
Psychology Professor Gordon Legge.
Granquist contacted the lab and volunteered to take part in two of their
studies. Lab staff were impressed by the
enthusiastic, insightful young woman, and
after she graduated, they quickly hired
her as a lab assistant.
Landing the job at the Low Vision Lab
felt like a stroke of luck to Granquist. She
was thrilled to have the opportunity to
work with Legge, who himself has low
vision: “He grew up in a time when there
weren’t a lot of high expectations for
folks with disabilities and he thrived. He
believes that people can be whatever
they want, and he knows how to give
them the tools.”
When she began working at the lab,
Granquist could still see with some limitations, but over time that changed. “When
I was working in the lab, I very dramatically
lost the rest of my vision,” she recalls. “I
went from low vision to blind in a matter
of days.” Though the experience set her back on her heels,
Granquist adds with a quiet chuckle, “It’s hard to find a better
place to lose your vision than in a low-vision lab. As you could
imagine, I had an incredible amount of support.”
Working at the lab under Legge’s tutelage helped Granquist
realize that she could handle the challenge that had been
placed before her. In its own way, this was yet another “right-place-right-time” moment.
“When I lost my vision, I didn’t have people around me at
work babying me and saying, ‘Oh no! I’m so sorry,’” she recalls.
“Instead they said, ‘What can we do to help you continue with
your work and move on?’ I didn’t want anyone to pity me. I just
wanted to move on and go forward.”
Granquist felt she could’ve stayed at her lab job for years.
But like all research positions, it was funded by a grant, and
when that funding ran out, she needed to find another job. “I
wanted to get ahead of it,” she says. “It is no secret
that disabled folks have a hard time searching for
work. I wanted to start early.”
Though she sent out several applications a week,
she was having a hard time getting her foot in the
door. Then—right-place-right-time No. 3—Granquist
was contacted by U.S. Bank. People there knew her
from when she had helped run a run a bank-funded
study at the Low Vision Lab.
“They had this position open on their Accessibility
Team and I came to mind as an interesting addition,”
Granquist says. At first Granquist assumed the
bank was calling to ask her to participate in another study: “I
thought, ‘Sure. I’ll do it. I need the money.’ But then, they said,
‘Send us your resume.’ I was like, ‘Oh, a job.’ This fell in my lap.”
At U.S. Bank, Granquist today is an assistant vice president
and accessibility consultant. Her role, which she sometimes
describes as “a business job in tech,” focuses on making sure
that the bank’s many technology platforms are equally accessible to all customers.
“We make sure the designers are not just thinking about a
mythical customer in their 20s who is highly educated, supertechy, and able-bodied,” Granquist says. “Our job is to make
sure that we are also thinking about our disabled customers
and that their experience is prioritized as well.”
This approach is called “universal design,” she explains. Her
goal is to help create technology that works for everyone—
disabled or able-bodied. “Accessibility is best when it is baked
into the design. It is not going to be obvious for folks who are
not disabled. It works for as many people as possible.”
Because she feels indebted to the “right-place” people
who’ve helped her out along the way, Granquist now makes a
point of being there for others who need a hand. “Oftentimes
someone will call me and say, ‘I know this person who is losing
their vision and struggling. Will you talk to them?’” she says.
She relishes the role of mentor, showing people that life
doesn’t end with disability.
“Losing any ability is very emotional,” she says. “The natural
reaction is to say, ‘How hard this must be,’ or ‘I’m so sorry’ and
look at folks with pity. I try to look at it very positively. I like to
remind people, ‘You can still do what you did before. You are
just going to do it in a different way. It doesn’t mean your life
is going to be any worse. You are going to be fine.’”
Andy Steiner is a freelance writer based in St. Paul and the author of How to Survive: The Extraordinary Resilience of Ordinary People.
The ADA at 30
When Congress passed
the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) 30
years ago, the legislation
was intended to help
level the playing field for
individuals with disabilities. On the anniversary
of the Act’s passage in
July, Christina Granquist
reflected on the changes
that have come about
because of the law, and
how it has helped her and
countless others navigate
work and fully participate
in all aspects of life.
Granquist wrote a brief
article for U.S. Bank about
the act’s passage. In it, she
noted, “Looking for work
when you’re blind frankly
sucks. Despite having confidence in my own abilities
and experience, after
more than six months
of searching [I was still]
mulling over how to best
disclose my disability to
hiring managers—‘Better
to share it prior to my
interviews so they
wouldn’t be caught
off-guard when I walked
in my with my guide dog?
Should I not acknowledge
it at all, to ensure I at least
get my foot in the door?’”
“The Americans with Disabilities Act is a wonderful piece of legislation that I benefit from every day. But laws only lay out what we must do,” she wrote. “What I think is so great about being a part of the user experience field is that we get to speak for what we should do” to make accessibility for all a reality.