Are We Closer To Fine?
If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that coping with change is now part of our daily life.
Early last March, Michelle Lamere (B.A. ’99, M.P.A. ’11), was
busy at her job as assistant director of educational programs
at the U of M’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute
(CTSI). Her group provides career support and mentoring to
biomedical researchers as they work to bring their discoveries
into practice. Lamere, who is also a certified life coach, was
busy helping undergraduates learn more about careers in
the health sciences. She was also developing and attending
training programs and coaching junior faculty on how to
identify leadership goals and further develop their careers.
Then, COVID-19 hit Minnesota. On March 25, Governor
Tim Walz ordered that any employee who could work from
home must do so. U of M classes went online almost overnight,
and the overwhelming majority of office-based workers like
Lamere went home.
Like many of us who turned our attention to the immediate
problems the pandemic’s disruption caused, Lamere organized a spare room in her home in the Minneapolis Seward
neighborhood and helped her daughter, Esme, a junior in high
school, make the transition to online learning. Lamere and her
work team also scrambled to transfer courses and coaching
sessions onto the digital meeting space Zoom, contending
with technology breakdowns and trying to turn in-person
meetings into meaningful online experiences.
If Lamere thought she was getting her footing, that confidence cracked on May 25 when George Floyd was killed by a white police officer near her home. Her neighborhood rang with the sound of gunshots and helicopters. The air smelled of tear gas and smoke. A lifelong activist, Lamere took Esme to a racial justice protest, but left when it became clear it was impossible to maintain social distancing.
A few days after Floyd’s death, Lamere was scheduled to
give a morning presentation to CTSI’s senior leadership and
partners. When she woke up, the power was out across her
neighborhood. She took her temperature and enacted the
U of M’s emergency protocols regarding COVID-19 so that
she could get into her office. Then she hurried to campus
to access the internet. By the time she logged on, she was
buckling from the stress.
“I’m not doing so well,” she told Jennifer Cieslak, CTSI’s chief
of staff, over Zoom. Cieslak encouraged her to be honest and
share that with the group. “They told me that the presentation
would be a team lift, that we’d get through it together,” Lamere,
says, smiling at the memory. “It was such a feeling of solidarity
and an acknowledgment that these are not normal times.”
When Sad Becomes Serious
Crisis services for mental health
issues are available 24/7 from the
Minnesota Department of Health.
Call **CRISIS (**274747) from
a cell phone to talk to a team of
professionals who can help. (For
land lines, visit mn.gov and search
“mental health resources” for
numbers in Minnesota by county.)
Text “MN” to 741741. This offers
free help for those who are
having a mental health crisis or
are contemplating suicide.
Outside Minnesota, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 800-273-TALK (8255).
Indeed, these are not normal times. Eight months into
the pandemic with no end in sight, 2020 has begun to take a
cumulative toll on us. Many remain unemployed or uncertain
their jobs will survive the crisis. Others continue to work,
albeit from home, sometimes struggling to juggle work with
the demands of children who can’t go to daycare or school or
college. People now also face a long winter without regular
interactions with family or friends, sometimes heightening
loneliness that threatens to spill over into despair. Add all
this to a bruising political election, and it’s no wonder we
feel exhausted.
“We have a society of sprinters who are now being told they
have to become marathoners,” says Michael Osterholm (M.S.
’76, M.P.H. ‘78, Ph.D. ‘80), an epidemiologist and U of M Regents
Professor whose own life transformed overnight when the
pandemic made him a go-to expert for news programs across
the world. And with the pandemic, “[We] are marathoners
with a rock in our shoe [and] a severe lightning storm going
on. I’m in the same boat as everyone else,” he says, admitting
he’s still trying to figure out whether it will be safe to see his
beloved grandchildren over the holidays. (By mid-October,
Osterholm would tell media outlets he now discourages people
from traveling to see family during the holidays.)
The changes of 2020 have ushered in a new conversation
about the importance of resilience in hard times. Experts say
now more than ever, we need to recognize these challenges,
and find ways to cope with this new normal.
For people who have managed to hang onto their jobs,
the most obvious change—and perhaps the one with the most
profound daily implications—has been in the way many of us
work. In Minnesota, Governor Tim Walz’s stay-at-home order required all workers, including previously
designated critical sector employees, to
work from home if at all possible. Under
ongoing provisions of the state’s Stay
Safe Plan, people who can telework
must continue to do so, at least for the
immediate future.
According to Pew Research, prior to
the pandemic roughly 7 percent of civilian
workers, or about 10 million people, had
the option to telework. Those were largely
highly paid professionals, many of them
employed by larger companies. But as
the pandemic took hold, enough people
switched to working at home at least
temporarily that the U.S. Department of
Labor was forced to issue new guidance
in late August to help employers track
hours in this new format.
A paper issued in June 2020 from the
private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research
group the National Bureau of Economic
Research found in two surveys in April and
May that of people who were employed
prior to COVID-19, roughly half had
switched to working at home at least
temporarily, including 35.2 percent who
were previously commuting. (See “Work
From Home Not An Option for Many” below about the unequal effect workfrom-home orders have had on higher- and
lower-wage workers.)
As a result, in today’s workforce many
employees are trying to adjust to a new
template for what their daily lives look
like. In addition to the myriad worries
people have over the pandemic, politics,
and the state of the world, they’re also
being asked to invent a new work style
while contending with almost unrelenting change. To do that, experts say it’s
important to both acknowledge that this
is a hard time, and to look for silver linings
where we can find them.
For instance, there have been some
upsides to this work-from-home model for
those who are able to take advantage of
it. Many have discovered what they had
previously grumbled about is true—that
many office meetings could in fact have
been handled in an email. And working from home has meant reclaiming hours once lost to commuting (not to mention the positive impact not driving
has had on the environment).
Remote work may also offer an opportunity for more
employees to shine. While in-person meetings favor extroverts, Elizabeth Campbell, an assistant professor at the
Carlson School of Management, says today’s remote work
may prove to be an opportunity for introverts. To prove
her point, she mentions an online class she is teaching
where she asked students to put whatever they wanted
to say into the chat function on Zoom. “They all fed the
chat and it became like a stream of consciousness,” she
says. “Then we talked about what we saw.”
Of course, there are inevitable downsides. “We know
that when people work remotely, the richness of communication breaks down,” says Campbell. “It’s not rocket
science [to understand] that’s going to create a bunch
of different issues, including more interpersonal conflict
that happens when you miss the kinds of body language
cues you pick up on when you are in the office.”
Campbell says that while working from home is great
when you are focused on tasks, it’s less effective when it
comes to harnessing pro-social behaviors—helping, offering social support, giving someone a creative idea—that
face-to-face interactions foster. Any manager knows the
support they give employees extends to issues beyond
the workplace. That kind of compassion and empathy is
harder to foster online.
It’s also harder to maintain genuine friendships when
you aren’t in the same physical space. Erin Lengas
Agostinelli (B.A. ‘14), editorial director at Travel + Leisure
and Departures magazines, says her team had to leave
their Manhattan office last March. Agostinelli says she
was initially excited about how much more time her new
work-from-home arrangement afforded her. But after
a few months, she misses the companionship of her
coworkers. This past September, she went to the office
for the first time and was heartbroken to see the empty
desks. “I love what I do,” she says. “But my favorite part
of my job is my co-workers.”
And, while being able to finish a project without getting
out of your pajamas has its perks, working from home also
makes it more difficult to establish the boundary between the two—especially for women, who research shows are
shouldering more of the childcare and chores.
“There isn’t that natural break of ‘I’m leaving work
now,’” explains Theresa Glomb of the Carlson School.
Glomb researches emotion in workplaces and employee
health and wellbeing. “Now there’s no break in between
those work periods ... so people are reporting that they’re
working longer.”
Neither Campbell nor Glomb can predict what will
change in our country’s work culture once the pandemic
recedes. But both agree there likely will be a serious
reevaluation about how businesses and organizations
function. “So much of [work culture] was, ‘This is how we’ve
always done it in this organization, or in this industry,’”
says Glomb. “And now we can take a really thoughtful
view and say, ‘OK, well, what is the work that needs to
be done? And who needs to do that work? And where
does that person need to be located? And how do they
need to liaison with other parts of the organization?’”
While we wait to see what the coming months bring—
and hope for a vaccine that will at least start our return to
normal life—the best advice for the meantime may be to
recognize what an unsettled time this is, and that we’re
being asked to adapt on the fly to an event most of us
never anticipated. We also need to give ourselves the
space and the grace to recognize we’re doing the best
we can during a moment of unprecedented change.
Elizabeth Foy Larsen is the senior editor of Minnesota Alumni.
Let’s Admit it: This is All Hard
Being thoughtful about the
changes in our life is top of mind
for people like Michelle Lamere,
of the U of M’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI).
On the last day of October, she
held a Zoom seminar about
resilience and how important
it is to be able to rebound from
In a breakout session, two
graduate students who were
attending shared that they were
struggling with feeling isolated.
As researchers, they were used
to working on their own, but not
being able to socialize with friends
or fellow students was taking a toll.
Lamere’s message to them and
others was simple: These aren’t
normal times, and you can’t expect
yourself to perform the same way
that you did before the changes
of 2020. “We are all suffering and
struggling right now,” she says.
But she also encourages people
to pay attention to the gifts that
this time brings. On the professional side, that may mean gaining clarity on your professional
purpose. “All innovations are
born out of necessity,” she says.
“We will take those insights with
us when we return to our new
normal. We can carry the things
we noticed and appreciated when
the world slowed down—whether
it was the pleasure of an outdoor
happy hour or the satisfaction of
baking treats, or just not being
overscheduled—with us when the
world speeds up again.”
On the personal level, 2020
may also bring strengthened
connections to friends, family,
colleagues, and even people we
didn’t know. “In my neighborhood
[after George Floyd’s death],
we had to form a watch and go
in shifts around the clock since
the police informed us white
supremacist cells were organizing
at our local park and using the
Greenway to deploy around south
Minneapolis,” Lamere says. “It was
terrifying, but standing together
and leaning on each other bonded us in a way that hadn’t been
there before.”
Recently, Lamere’s team at CTSI
decided to establish new work
norms as a way to proactively take
care of themselves. Together, they
agreed to not have any meetings
on Fridays as a way to combat
Zoom fatigue and to acknowledge
each of them needed space to
focus and decompress.
“Does this get us a little closer to fine?” Lamere asked her colleagues, referencing the 1989 hit by the singing duo the Indigo Girls. The team agreed it did. To mark the moment, Lamere decided to play the song. And then she did something that is very 2020. She started crying.
“We just have to work on things that get us a little closer to fine,” she says. “You’re doing pretty well if you can do that.”—EFL
Work from Home Not an Option for Many
Part of recognizing how our world has
changed in recent months means acknowledging it has not affected all of us equally.
“It’s funny when your kid runs in on
your Zoom call, but if you’re working in
a restaurant or retail shop, you’re not
bringing your kid to work,” says Carlson
School of Business Professor Theresa
Glomb. As an expert on workplace wellbeing, Glomb says that the pandemic has
forced her to reevaluate her own whitecollar bias. “I can’t help you if you lose your
job,” she says. “I can’t help you if you’re
super scared to go to work because you’re
going to get COVID. I can’t help you face
this inequity.”
In October, unemployment hovered at
6.9 percent, much better than earlier in
the summer, but still high. Job hits have
fallen unequally among workers, with
many unduly affecting lower-wage earners,
people of color, and women. Lower-wage
workers or those in service industries have
also suffered waves of layoffs or business
closures at a higher rate than have those in
white-collar jobs, according to the Bureau
of Labor Statistics.
And many employees still must work
in person because of the nature of their
jobs, whether that be critical retail efforts
in grocery stores, healthcare delivery,
personal services such as hair salons, or
fields like construction. Employees who can
telework are also twice as likely to be white
than Black or Hispanic, according to the
Center for Economic and Policy Research
(CEPR), a Washington, D.C. think tank.
In these service jobs, new routines
of face masks, personal protective
equipment, social distancing,
and enhanced cleaning have also
fundamentally changed workplaces.
And stressors are somewhat different
for those who need to work in person. In
addition to the risk of getting sick from
COVID-19, in-person employees are
experiencing a lack of social connection,
even though they are technically with
other people. “Workers who can’t stay
home now have a very different type of
social connectivity in their workplace,”
says Glomb. “That social connection was
very often something that was a core
resource they got from their job.”
Tracy Singleton, (B.A., ‘94) who is the
founder and owner of the Birchwood
Café in the Seward neighborhood of
Minneapolis, knows all about the often
overwhelming challenges of this time. “It’s
so stressful to navigate the safety of your
staff and your people against the viability
of a business,” she says. After almost
25 years as a popular neighborhood
eatery, Birchwood had its most profitable
year in 2019 and was planning a second
restaurant, as well as initiatives around
equity and diversity. “Now we are
desperately trying to think in small chunks
of time and just get through the day,” she
says. “Winter is coming. Are people going
to continue to come out when it’s cold and
dark to get food? We don’t know.”
Another group suffering extreme stress
during this time is medical personnel and
first responders. This social-emotional
toll includes anything from depression
to compassion fatigue. In response,
the College of Education and Human
Development developed an app called the
First Responder Toolkit, in collaboration
with the Minnesota Department of Health,
to help first responders manage the
physical and emotional exhaustion of their
work in this challenging time. It’s now being
used by first responders in all 50 states.
Finally, according to CEPR, the stressors
experienced by essential workers are also
being compounded by childcare concerns.
Women, particularly women of color, bear
the brunt of this.
Over 70 percent of mothers who work
in building cleaning services, for example,
are nonwhite. Mothers who work in the
trucking, postal service, and warehouse
sectors are also disproportionately women
of color.—EFL
Feeling the Stress? Try these tips.
Whether it’s yoga, meditation, or simply taking a
pause for deep inhalations
and exhalations, professionals point to a body of
research that demonstrates
that simple breathing is an
effective way to reduce
anxiety and help you relax.
Step Away from the Screen
Zoom fatigue is real. If you are
in a meeting where you aren’t
talking, give yourself permission from time to time to turn
off the video function. As long
as you are able to actively listen, it’s okay to multitask—knit,
fold laundry, walk on a treadmill. “We are home and aren’t
going to prevent work and
home from bleeding into each
other,” says Michelle Lamere.
“So give yourself permission
to check in and check out and
give yourself breaks.”
Go With the Flow
Lamere suggests visualizing this experience as
a tide, with natural ebbs
and flows. “I don’t cling to
the highs, and don’t get
stuck in the lows because
the tide will come in, it’ll
go out, it’ll come in and go
out again,” she says.
Winter is Coming.
Here’s One Way to Deal with It.
In Norway, spending time in nature during every season
is so ingrained in the national psyche that it has its own
name: friluftsliv, or open-air living. Not only is being
outside a safer way to spend time with friends and family
during a pandemic, but it can boost your emotional
well-being. A 2019 study published in the journal Nature
determined that spending as little as two hours a week
outside can improve a person’s mood.
The concept of friluftsliv was first coined by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen in his poem On the
Heights, where the main character chooses a life
in nature over the village where he was raised. “In
Ibsen’s plays, including Hedda Gabler and A Doll’s
House, indoor space and architectural structures are
metaphors for restrictive social norms,” says Benjamin
Bigelow, an assistant professor who teaches courses on
Scandinavian literature and culture at the U of M.
Bigelow and his family lived in Norway when he was
researching his dissertation and enjoyed the benefits
of friluftsliv firsthand, both as a family and when his
children spent hours outside each day as part of their
preschool and elementary schedules. He says the shift
back to a 30-minute American recess was dramatic.
Bigelow cautions that friluftsliv isn’t a concept that can be easily grafted onto an American sensibility. Norway has a more homogenous population and therefore is more likely to embrace shared cultural values, including so-called “right-to-roam” laws that discourage people from treating nature as individual property or enforcing borders. But in a time of extreme stress, it can’t hurt to pad yourself in winter gear and give nature’s healing powers a try.
Being Alone in the Time of COVID
COVID-19 has been especially challenging
for retired people, especially those without
a partner. Not only are people aged 65 and
older at higher risk for developing severe
complications or dying from the virus, but
they bear the extra burden of having to
socially isolate themselves from others at a
stage when connections are crucial to quality
of life, and after they no longer have day-today work colleagues.
Karin Perry (B.A. ‘60) lives alone, and she’s anxious about winter, a feeling she says is compounded by the country’s political polarization. Before the pandemic, she had an active schedule full of lunches with friends and her grandchildren’s sporting events. Now, she’s facing months alone in her condo. “That’s the thing that gone for people my age—meeting someone and having a point to the day,” she says. She also feels a sense of dread that at any moment, she’ll get a phone call and learn that another friend has died. “It’s inevitable,” she says.
And unlike more healthy seniors, people
with memory challenges or those who can’t
live independently may fare even worse, having to go without adult day care or other services as government restrictions or a worker
shortage affects in-home care.
The situation is particularly dire for people
in assisted living facilities and nursing homes,
especially residents of color. A survey of 365
nursing home residents in 36 states, which
was conducted by the nonprofit research
and consulting organization Altarum Institute, shows that COVID-19 restrictions have
impacted nearly every part of residents’ lives,
especially their mental health.
These challenges are further compounded
by the fact that the pandemic has given rise to
a new strain of ageism jokes on social media.
“There has been a stereotyping that because
older people are dying at higher rates, they
are replaceable,” says Tetyana Shippee, the
associate director of the School of Public
Health’s Center on Aging and an associate
professor who researches aging equity issues.
“The idea is that grandma can die so that
younger people can [get their lives back].”
What these jokes miss, according to Shippee, is that our elders possess a lot of built-in
resilience, which could ironically benefit
younger people, too. Unlike 20- and 30-somethings, who have had to give up going to bars
and clubs and gyms, many baby boomers
and older Americans have enjoyable solitary
hobbies—from knitting to reading to playing
online bridge—that were in place long before
the pandemic. That self-sufficiency is now
helping them to sustain during lockdown and
continued social distancing.
And age itself can give perspective. “Many
older people are taking the pandemic on
as yet another challenge they have to get
through,” says Shippee. “Some of these folks
have already lived through the Depression.
Many report that they are doing OK.”
Even with that resilience, loneliness can be a real issue for anyone, especially isolated seniors. Drawing on her research on quality of life, Shippee recommends that seniors identify activities that give them a sense of meaning and purpose to help them cope during this unsettled time, whether it’s volunteering by reading to children via Zoom, joining a virtual book club, or exercising and getting outside when possible.