In Session
The chairs of the Higher Education Finance and Policy Committees in the Minnesota House and Senate talk about the University of Minnesota and share some favorite spots.
Plymouth, Minnetonka, Woodland (District 44)
Senator Anderson was elected in 2016 and is serving his first term. His priorities are economic and workforce development, tax policy, and education; he worked to expand needs-based student financial aid in Minnesota. Anderson is married and has two children. He earned his B.A. from Concordia College and was a Humphrey School fellow in 2003.
Why should the Legislature support the U?
The University of Minnesota is a world-class higher education institution and is critical to the economic and cultural vitality of our state. Through innovation, discovery, and education, the U contributes more than $8.6 billion a year in economic activity to the state of Minnesota.
The best thing about the U?
As a Big Ten institution, the U has a unique platform for showcasing our state. The University continues to be a shining example of Minnesota’s talent, uniqueness, and leadership around the world.
What do you hope the U discovers next?
My hope is after seeing firsthand the devastating effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s on loved ones, a cure is found for this terrible disease. On a lighter note, I’m still in awe of the delicious First Kiss apple unveiled at the Minnesota State Fair last summer!
Name a hidden gem in your district?
I have too many favorites to choose. But one of the best places to visit is the Hilde Performance Center in Plymouth. Each summer it features the amazing Minnesota Orchestra at Music in Plymouth as well as hosting a wide variety of community events—drawing tens of thousands to the Hilde each year.
What is the most important quality for a lawmaker to have?
Integrity. Being true to who you are, what you say, what you do, what you believe, and how you treat others.
Favorite spot on campus?
Our seats in Section 151 at TCF Bank stadium, watching Gopher football. To quote Coach P.J. Fleck, “Row the Boat. Ski-U-Mah. Go Gophers.”
Fridley, New Brighton, Spring Lake Park (District 41A)
Representative Bernardy was elected in 2001 and is serving her seventh term. Besides the higher education committee, she serves on transportation, elections, and property tax committees. She also serves on the Regent Candidate Advisory Council. Bernardy is married with two children. She earned a B.A. in speech communication from the U in 1985.
Why should the Legislature support the U?
Minnesota is at its best when our institutions of higher learning are running effectively and efficiently, pursuing research and providing students with the education and job training needed to get good-paying jobs in the 21st century.
The best thing about the U?
The University of Minnesota is an economic engine for Minnesota and the training ground for the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders to push our state, nation, and world forward.
What do you hope the U discovers next?
The U fosters curious and creative minds that extend the reach of human knowledge and innovation. I look forward to eating the next great apple from the University.
Name a hidden gem in your district?
Springbrook Nature Center is our community’s hidden gem. It is 127 acres of urban wetlands with miles of hiking trails through oak and aspen forests, prairies, and wetlands with floating boardwalks.
What is the most important quality for a lawmaker to have?
To be authentic, approachable, and visionary. I was inspired early on by U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone, who was a political mentor to me. I strive to carry his spirit with me and put people at the center of my work at the capitol and in the community.
Favorite spot on campus?
Nothing beats a packed game at the Barn. The tradition of going to all the Gopher men’s basketball games began at an early age for me and my family. We attended Gopher women’s basketball games before they moved to the Barn. Go Gophers!