Too Much or Too Little
Minnesota farmers will face erratic precipitation in coming years that forces them to grow crops differently. U of M research is helping them plan for an unpredictable future.
Searing sunlight, cracked earth, withered plants, wizened cattle—these are the images of climate change. And in parts of the world, a lack of water is driving farmers out of business and threatening the food supply.
Not here. Minnesota farmers can
expect more water. And longer growing
seasons. What could be better, right?
But in fact, water—too much at times
and too little at others—could soon be
a major problem for state producers.
U of M researchers are trying to help
the agriculture industry adapt to our
shifting climate and prepare for more
dramatic changes ahead.
“Farmers are very receptive to
research,” says Jeff Strock, a researcher
at the University’s Southwest Research
and Outreach Center near Lamberton,
Minnesota. “At the end of the day, I’m
not advocating for them to do one thing
or another. I’m trying to give them a
whole bunch of tools in their toolbox.”
Trends and predictions
“We’ve gotten warmer and we’ve gotten
wetter,” says Kenneth Blumenfeld (B.S.
’01, M.A. ’05, Ph.D. ’08), senior climatologist in the Minnesota State Climate
Office and a professor in the College of
Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resource
Sciences (CFANS). Most of the warming
so far has occurred as milder winters
and warmer nighttime lows. As a result,
the U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA) plant hardiness zones familiar
to all gardeners have crept northward
100 to 250 miles.
And the frost-free growing season
is now longer. In the town of Milan in
southwest Minnesota, three generations of a single family have kept official
weather records since the late 1800s.
Says Blumenfeld, “We can see that the
average frost-free season has lengthened by two to three weeks.”
But with that warmth has come water. And the timing of rain and snowfall hasn’t always been helpful.
Rain has come as one deluge after
another: the kinds of rains that flood
fields and tear gullies through topsoil.
Minnesota’s wettest year was 2019. The record for the wettest state weather
station on record—Harmony in the
southeast—occurred in 2018. In 2007
the town of Hokah, also in the southeast,
received more rain in a single storm than
had ever been recorded in Minnesota:
15.1 inches. Blumenfeld is betting that at
least one of these records will be broken
before he retires.
A “tendency in the data” suggests
more of the year’s precipitation may
come in spring. “When people are out
doing that field work, they can’t get a
break because it’s raining all the time,”
says Blumenfeld. Then, during the critical growing season of June, July, and
early August, “the apparent shutting of
the spigot,” he adds.
“Unless there is some kind of geological or astronomical cataclysm, we know
that those trends are going to continue,”
Blumenfeld says.
The Fourth National Climate Assessment released by the U.S. Global Change
Research Program in 2018 agrees. The
frost-free season will increase by as
much as a month in the Midwest as a
whole by late this century. Humidity will
increase. The pattern of soggy springs
and droughty summers will become
more pronounced.
Too much and too little
Precipitation moving to extremes means
a greater chance both of floods and of
drought. That’s the worrisome trend that
most concerns John Baker, an adjunct
University professor and research leader
for the USDA Agricultural Research
Service. Several years ago, he and colleagues gathered crop insurance claims:
“When we analyzed those more closely,
three-quarters were water-related, and
the thing that surprised us was that it was
pretty much equally divided between
losses due to excess water and losses
due to drought—often in the same
county, in the same year.”
Baker says farmers will increasingly
struggle with too much water and too
little. The University has experimented
with using a low-growing perennial such
as clover to hold water and soil, and
planting corn and soybeans right into
the cover crop. But during drought, the
cover crop competes with the main crop for water. Says Baker, “You try to come up
with something that’s going to work in the
wet years, and it causes you problems in
the dry years.”
Baker is now coauthor of the update to the Midwest section of the National Climate Assessment. He says the newest update will confirm much of what was predicted in the previous version: Extremes of wet and dry will make crops more vulnerable to existing stressors such as invasive species, insect pests, and plant diseases.
According to the 2018 assessment, “Projected changes in precipitation, coupled
with rising extreme temperatures before
mid-century, will reduce Midwest agricultural productivity to levels of the 1980s,
without major technological advances.”
Changing crops
As our climate changes, researchers expect
crops to move into new areas of the Midwest. “We have certainly seen an expansion of the corn and soybean belt to the
northwest—more grown in the Dakotas than
previously,” says Baker.
Mostly, farmers are simply trying new
crops in existing fields. But in some cases,
former grasslands have been plowed up
and forests cleared. The change may be due
to demand and rising prices, or to climate
change. Either way, the effect is the same:
loss of natural habitat, increased runoff and
erosion, and demand for groundwater if
irrigation is employed.
In central and north-central Minnesota, as
industrial forest has been sold, potato fields
have expanded into the sandy pinelands. In
some cases, groundwater appropriation
for irrigation has reduced cold water supporting nearby trout streams, such as the
Straight River near Park Rapids and Little
Rock Creek north of St. Cloud.
That has motivated conservation organizations such as The Nature Conservancy,
which is concerned about the quantity
and quality of water flowing into the Rum,
Pine, and Crow Wing Rivers, which feed
the Mississippi and help supply the Twin
Cities with drinking water. Recently, The
Conservation Fund, an effort founded by
the former head of The Nature Conservancy, bought more than 72,000 acres of
forestland from the PotlatchDeltic timber
corporation and conveyed it to the state,
says Rick Biske (B.S. ’01), program director
for the Conservancy chapter in Minnesota,
and North and South Dakota.
“I think without this protection it would
have been cleared and converted, irrigated on sandy soils,” says Biske. “We’re fortunate
in Minnesota to be at the headwaters of
America’s river. It’s a national resource, and
it’s critically important that we protect it and
sustain it in the face of these demands on
land-use conversion and climate change.”
Irrigating sand
Minnesota irrigates only 4 percent of its
farmland, but it uses a lot of groundwater
to do it, says Vasudha Sharma, an assistant
Extension professor who has studied irrigation water management in the Midwest and
Great Plains. And the volume of groundwater use is increasing steadily. [See graph, left.]
In addition to reducing aquifers, irrigation
can leach nitrogen fertilizer into groundwater. “That’s the major issue that we are
facing here in Minnesota,” Sharma says.
“We irrigate sand. And if you irrigate more
than the soils can hold, it tends to leach.”
Sharma is trying to help farmers use less
water with better results. One technological fix is using soil moisture sensors at field
locations to determine the actual need for
irrigation. It’s an efficient way to conserve
water, but few farmers are using them. A
second strategy is to vary water application
by soil type. “There are many different soil
types in a single field,” Sharma says. Some,
like sand, drain quickly. Others hold water.
Not all need to be irrigated at the same rate.
“The next step is to invest or put more
effort into developing the best management
practices so we irrigate efficiently for profitable crop production and also reduce our
environmental impact,” she says.
Another way to conserve water is recycling: capturing and reusing water draining
from fields, says Jeff Strock at the U of M's
Southwest Research and Outreach Center
near Lamberton.
For 150 years, Minnesota farmers have
battled an excess of water on their fields
by installing tiling and drainage ditches to
remove water quickly. However, that drainage can account for increased storm runoff
to nearby streams and excess nitrogen and
other water quality problems.
Drained water is a wasted resource, in
Strock’s view. So at Lamberton, Strock and colleagues have built four ponds to collect
drainage. “And then we’re reusing that
water during the growing season to supplementally irrigate our crops,” he says. “It’s
something that people are beginning to
get interested in, especially as we’ve seen
these repeated patterns of dry summers.”
Drainage water recycling promises several
benefits: More production and profit. Lower
peak flows running off farm fields into nearby
waterways. And less groundwater use.
Another possible response to changes in our weather patterns is to switch crops and farming methods, something the University Research and Outreach Centers in Lamberton, Waseca, and Grand Rapids are exploring with the Minnesota Long-Term Agricultural Research Network (LTARN).
“At the end of the day, we know that
with the climate changing [plant types] are
moving north,” says Strock. “Then what are
we going to grow?” The network aims to
experiment with new varieties and new crops
raised with different cropping systems.
And the state of Minnesota is working
with the University on its Forever Green
Initiative. It’s an attempt to develop profitable conservation crops, such as intermediate wheatgrass, that can fill a number
of roles—perennial food crop, forage, soil
carbon builder, organic sponge to hold
water. Says Strock, “It could have a very big
impact on flooding and nutrient loss during other parts of the year because you’ve got
more storage capacity in the ground.” (See
related story “Clean Water with Kernza”)
High-resolution models
To help farmers plan for a warmer, wetter
future, the University has teamed up with
the Minnesota Corn Growers Association.
Heidi Roop, director of the University’s
Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership,
is leading the development of sophisticated
new climate models, with resolution down to
3-mile-square cells, to provide projections
about changing temperature, soil moisture,
precipitation variability, drought exposure,
and other climate-related variables out to
the end of the century. The models will give
farmers and the industry highly localized information about suitable crops, risk, and
worthwhile long-term investments.
Says Roop, “We have lots of farmers thinking about what will this mean for access to water, and thinking about how this might inform plans for savings or getting loans to drill new wells, or how you might have a productive and economically viable farm moving forward under climate stress.”
The future push and pull over water—
how to get it, where to send it—may even
have an impact on the state’s water law,
which, as in many Eastern states, gives
wide latitude to riparian owners to use
water. (See related story “Who Owns Our
“The fact is, [water rights law is] always changing in response to new circumstances and conflicts that arise,” says Minneapolis lawyer Louis Smith, who practices water resource law and teaches a University water law class. Over time, he says, state courts have recognized “the interest of other parties to the natural flow of the stream for public and community purposes.”
In Minnesota, the Department of Natural Resources permits the large-scale use
of surface and groundwater, balancing
the needs of agriculture, industry, power
generation, transportation, communities,
and fish and wildlife to an adequate supply.
So far, says Smith, the state has been
both well prepared and ill prepared to
contend with competition for water. “We’re
well prepared in that the riparian system—
there are legal principles that are flexible
that will look at balancing competing
interests.” But, he says, “we’ve been ill
prepared as a matter of our community
understanding of the science to recognize
the limits of the resource and the need to
proactively plan and manage.”
Minnesotans have been spoiled by our
apparent abundance of water, believing
our only problem was to drain the excess
when we had too much.
“I think for many years we thought we’re a water-abundant state, there’s no limit to groundwater, no problem!” says Smith. “What we’re learning is water is not an unlimited resource.”
Sidebar: Irrigation and Agriculture
According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Minnesota has over 500,000 irrigated acres of farmland which use about 81.5 billion gallons of water annually.
As of 2017, Minnesota had more than 68,800 operational farms, generating more than $18 billion in agricultural products. The DNR notes that the “recent upward trend of water use increases the strain on water supplies, threatening the sustained operation of Minnesota farms. As much as 90 percent of this water in Minnesota comes from groundwater. The aquifers where groundwater is extracted usually replenish [more slowly] than the rate at which water is used.”
That’s why careful irrigation strategies are critical, taking into account soil type, crop type, temperature, and evaporation, as well as sprinkler design, such as precision or micro irrigation. Drip irrigation applies water directly to plant roots to minimize evaporation, and scheduling techniques can prevent salinity buildup in soils.
The U of M provides
extensive information
on irrigation strategies.
Learn more at